
Upcoming Events

Apr 16
Jessie Shelton
Prashant Jain

Levis Faculty Center, Room 210
919 W. Illinois St

11:00am, Jessie Shelton, Gravitational Footprints of Dark Particle Physics in the Very Early Universe

The earliest direct probes of our universe come from the abundance of light elements, which started forming when the universe was about a second old. What happened in the second before that remains one of the biggest outstanding questions in both cosmology and particle physics…

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Jun 23
María Elena García

Center for Advanced Study
Levis Faculty Center, Room 210
919 W. Illinois, Urbana

A young Quechua woman refuses to kill her alpaca, so both are killed by Shining Path militants. An elderly woman tearfully recounts the guilt she feels about her inability to prevent the killing, and grilling, of her donkey by Peruvian military forces. A man describes being forced to hang his dogs and burn his lands to save his family. This talk will explore these and other accounts of…

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Jun 24
Claire Jean Kim

Virtual presentation

This talk addresses the following question: How should we undertake the fight for animal life and dignity in a world structured around the phobic avoidance and hatred of Blackness?

Jun 27
Jennifer Parker-Starbuck

Center for Advanced Study
Levis Faculty Center, Room 210
919 W. Illinois, Urbana

This talk illustrates the development of several types of robotic animal and insect ‘agents,’ from animal drones and ‘spys’ to artistic robotic/cyborgean animal installations. The aim is to begin to discern cases in which a possible animal ‘agency’ might provoke a rethinking of the human-technological-nonhuman-animal relationship and to think about how theatre and performance can be a staging…

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Jun 28
Chris Green

Center for Advanced Study
Levis Faculty Center, Room 210
919 W. Illinois, Urbana

As animal advocates have attempted to win policy advances through the traditional vehicles of legislation and regulatory action, they often have run into roadblocks within the relevant legislative committees and agencies. These barriers persist despite polling that shows the overwhelming majority of voters support such animal welfare measures. Accordingly, advocacy organizations have had to…

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