
Unconventional University Diplomas from Online Vendors

Wednesday, February 5th, 2003
George Gollin
1:00 pm

Music Room, Levis Faculty Center
909 W. Illinois St.

Event Description

For a price, it is possible to acquire unearned academic degrees from non-existent universities that market diplomas over the internet. The support services offered by these vendors include "verification" of credentials on behalf of clients and the creation of letters of recommendation written by imaginary faculty. One source of these degrees, the "University Degree Program," has been aggressively marketing its products through advertising windows that appear without warning on screens of networked personal computers. Since the University Degree Program creates web sites for its fictitious campuses, it is possible to recognize them through the shared content and contact information in their web sites. Equipped with the names of sixteen of their "universities," one can identify University Degree Program clients who have allowed their misleading credentials to be posted to the worldwide web. The ranks of customers with purchased degrees include psychologists with clinical responsibilities and faculty at accredited universities. I will describe results of searches for information about fictitious universities and their "graduates."
George Gollin Website


George Gollin

Department of Physics, CAS Beckman Associate, 1997-98