
Energy, Environment, Security: Can We Have It All?

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008
Steve E. Koonin
4:00 pm

Auditorium, Beckman Institute 405 N. Mathews Ave Urbana

Event Description

The world's demand for energy will grow by some 60 in the next 25 years. Satisfying that demand in an economical and environmentally acceptable manner is one of the most significant challenges facing society. New technologies will play a central role in meeting this challenge, albeit conditioned by the economic, social, and political contexts in which they are developed and deployed. The presentation will focus on the major forces shaping the World's energy future and the technologies required to respond to them.
Formerly Provost at CalTec and professor of theoretical physics, Steve Koonin now serves as Chief Scientist of BP Group based in London.

Cosponsored by:
Center for Advanced Study, Office of the Chancellor, Research Board

Energy Biosciences Institute

Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research
Institute of Genomic Biology