MillerComm Lecture Series

Microevolutionary Influences of Global Environmental Change on Plant Populations

Wednesday, March 3rd, 1999
Spencer C.H. Barrett
7:30 pm

National Soybean Research Building, Auditorium 1101 West Peabody Drive Urbana

Event Description

Global Global change involves diverse environmental influences many of which are likely to act as important selective pressures on plant populations. Predicting the particular microevolutionary responses of plant populations to these changes is a difficult task without knowledge of the amounts and patterns of genetic variation for adaptive traits. Barrett explores the genetic consequences of climate-induced changes in reproduction, effects of habitat fragmentation and land use change on the ecology and genetics of metapopulations, and the influence of changing agricultural practices and biotechnology on the origin and evolution of plant invaders.
Ecology and Evolution in a Changing World
A mini-series addressing the role ecologists and evolutionary biologists play in understanding the implications of global change by focusing on the way that human affect the natural world and the ways in which their impacts can be mitigated.  These talks are given in honor and celebration of the newly formed Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UIUC.

On Wednesday, March 10 Spencer G. David Tilman, will give a CAS/MillerComm99 presentation "Human Domination of Global Ecosystems: Implications for a Stable and Sustainable Society."

An additional talk will be given by Peter Vitousek, "Beyond Climate Change: Human Alteration of the Earth" on April 12. Contact the Department of Ecology, Ethology and Evolution, 333-7801 or www.life.uiuc.edu/eee for time and place.

Hosted by: Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

In conjunction with: College of Applied Life Studies, College of Law, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Environmental Council, School of Life Sciences, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Crop Sciences, Department of Ecology, Ethology and Evolution, Department of Entomology, Department of Geography, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Department of Plant Biology, Department of Statistics, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Veterinary Bioscience, Agricultural Experiment Station, Illinois Natural History Survey, Water Resources Center, Rainforest Action Group, Students for Environmental Concerns, Champaign County Audubon Society, Educational Resources in Environmental Sciences

Spencer C.H. Barrett

Professor and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Department of Botany, University of Toronto