
Animal Studies Summer Institute 2024 Public Events schedule

CAS is pleased to offer this weeklong institute for early career faculty members and advanced graduate/professional students from around the US and abroad. Morning workshops will be followed by a busy afternoon schedule including plenary presentations by visiting and local scholars that are free and open to the public.

The following events are all located at the Center for Advanced Study, 919 W. Illinois, Room 210.

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Sunday, June 23
María Elena García (Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington)
Burro Bombs and Hanging Dogs: Political Violence, Haunted Archives, and the More-Than-Human in Peru
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Monday, June 24 (virtual session)
Claire Jean Kim (Political Science and Asian American Studies, University of California, Irvine)
Fighting for Animals in an Anti-Black World
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Maria Lux (Art, Whitman College)
Artist Talk
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Tuesday, June 25
May Berenbaum (CAS Director and Professor of Entomology, University of Illinois)
What's in a Name? That Which We Call a Rose Chafer, by Any Other Word Would Smell as Sweet
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Visit with the Insect Ambassadors

Gene Robinson (CAS Professor of Entomology, University of Illinois and Director, Carle R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology)
The Genomic Case Against Genetic Determinism: Bridging the Gap from Animals to Humans
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Thursday, June 27
Jennifer Parker-Starbuck (Drama, Theatre & Dance, University of London)
Robotic Bees, Insect Bots, and Robotic Cats, Oh My!: Assembling Robotic Animal Agents
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Friday, June 28
Chris Green (Executive Director, Animal Legal Defense Fund)
The Evolution of Animal Advocacy: Alternative Strategies to Achieve Animal Welfare Advances
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