
Events Archive

MillerComm Lecture Series

Seymour Drescher
The Mobilization of Public Opinion for the Most Successful Civil Rights Movement in History, Emancipation in 19th Century Britain   in conjunction with: School of Humanities, Department of History, Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology, Afro-American Cultural Program, Center…
Hubert Dreyfus
Are the new ways that we have of communicating with one another--teleconferencing, telecommuting, telerobots and internet web cams--resurrecting the skeptical doubts that Descartes had raised and which we thought we had overcome? Philosophy Annual Lecture This lecture is held in conjunction with…
Andres Duany
New urbanism is a community planning movement that encourages compact, transit-oriented, pedestrian-friendly, sustainable neighborhoods.  One of the leaders of the movement, Andres Duany, discusses his proposals to end suburban sprawl and urban disinvestment by combining neighborhood design with…
Kevin Dunbar
Scientists frequently talk about the ways that they make discoveries and tell two main types of stories. One is of flashes of insight and chance occurrences that resulted in spontaneous discoveries. The other is of an incremental approach that slowly led to a discovery. Both types of stories give…
Carol Dweck
Carol Dweck's research shows that students' "mindsets about their intelligence"–whether they believe it is a fixed or a malleable quality–guide their motivation and learning. Dweck reveals how praising students' intelligence can undermine motivation and learning and how an intervention in the…
Torkwase Dyson
Torkwase Dyson uses abstract painting and drawing to investigate spatial relationships, particularly as experienced by black and brown bodies as they navigate space historically, and in the contemporary environment. Dyson will discuss her recent work, including 1919: Black Water, currently on view…
Robert B. Edgerton
Cosponsored by: College of Education, College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign, School of Social Work, Department of Anthropology, Department of Community Health, Department of Special Education, Bureau of Educational Research, Institute for Research on Human Development, Office of Geronotology and…
David B. Edwards
Dave Edwards details the history of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban that followed the Soviet army's departure.  He will illustrate this through a unique set of videos and photographs that were shot by Afghan nationals during the Soviet period and its politically…
W. D. Ehrhart
W. D. Ehrhart is a veteran of the Vietnam War (U.S. Marines, 1967-68 tour) who has, since his Honorable Discharge, become a spokesperson for many of his fellow veterans and for his generation through poetry and prose. Earhart's presentation will include examples of his poetry over the past…
Susan Eisenhower
In the aftermath of the USSR's collapse, US-Russian policy is being transformed around new areas of agreement and conflict.  Commonalities such as free-market capitalism, and a recent joint emphasis on fighting terrorism are at odds with disagreements concerning NATO  expansion, missile defense,…
Paul Ekman
Paul Ekman has revolutionized our ability to study human facial expression by developing a method that uses detailed quantitative measurements of those expressions. Dr. Ekman uses this tool in extensive anthropological work to determine which emotional expressions are universally understood and…
Glen H. Elder, Jr.
Glen Elder and Rand Conger followed over 400 Iowa children's lives from seventh grade to the post-high school decisions of education, work and family?a generation growing up during the hard times of the 1980s agricultural crisis. They found despite experiencing adversity associated with heavy…
Ter Ellingson
Venerable Tenzin Jamyang
Venerable Tenzin Jamyang is in the process of creating a sand mandala at the Krannert Art Museum. Instead of immediately destroying the mandala, as is traditional, UIUC has been granted special permission to keep it on permanent display. Here he discusses the sacred art of Tibetan sand painting and…
Jonathan R. Ellis
The new Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN promises to reveal physics secrets at both the smallest (subatomic) and largest (cosmological) scales. These include the origin of mass and, possibly, the nature of the mysterious cosmological dark matter. First collisions are scheduled for mid-2009. John…
Gretchen Elsner-Sommer
Memories From the Department of Amnesia by Janice Tenaka, Honored By the Moon by Mona Smith, Skin Deep by Michelle Crenshaw, Video Sewa: A People's Alternative by Jyoti Jumani, Jollies by Sadie Benning, Whisper: The Women by Barbara Weiner, My American Friends by Chen-Sim Lim, Jezbel Spirit by…
Gretchen Elsner-Sommer
The evening's program includes eight short experimental and documentary films and videos made by women from a range of ethnic, sexual, and national identities representing the best of Chicago's 1992 International Women's Film and Video Festival. Including discussion, the program will be…
Kenny Endo
Kenny Endo is a leading artist in contemporary percussion and rhythm, who at the vanguard of the taiko genre, continues to pave new paths in this Japanese style drumming even after forty years as a career taiko player. A performer, composer, and teacher of taiko with numerous awards and accolades,…
Carmen Ramos Escandón
Carmen Ramos' presentation will integrate legal, cultural, and social issues through an international and multidisciplinary perspective on historical conflicts involving women as citizens and as mothers, property, and family formation. Her work, focusing on the Mexican case, opens new avenues of…
John L. Esposito
Since the end of the Cold War, scholars and journalists have focused on the potential threat of political Islam to world peace and the values of democracy and personal freedom valued by Western civilization. From the Ayatollah Khomeini to Saddam Hussein, the image of Islam as a militant,…
Richard Estes
Despite enormous levels of international assistance, social and economic development continues to occur unevenly throughout the world. For the most part, the social situation of advanced nations is improving steadily, while that of many of the poorest remains bleak, particularly in the "least…
Joe Feagin
Joe Feagin will examine the issues of racism in the U.S., reparations for the injustices of African American slavery, and the social, political, economic and educational implications of changing demographics and browning of America, and the coming white minority. Sponsored by: Department of…
Kevin Featherstone
Why do Greek governments fail? Governments in Athens have achieved great national projects in key historical periods, but the current crisis has exposed endemic problems in the capacity of governments to deliver reform.  These problems will continue to impact on Greece's way out of the crisis,…
Rita Felski
Those who lament the recent disappearance of "class" from cultural criticism invariably mean the working class.  Very little attention has been paid to the lower-middle class, recently described by John Hartley as "the social class with the lowest reputation in the entire history of class theory…
Charles D. Ferguson
Traditionally, security has often been narrowly viewed through the lens of military defense and acquisition of weapons. This view must change.  Today and increasingly in the future, every nation's security will depend more and more on a new mindset: the security of everyone will hinge on…
Roderick A. Ferguson
Roderick Ferguson uses black feminist writer Toni Cade Bambara's short story to consider power brought about through the 1960s and 1970s student movements around race and gender. He examines how these forms of power informed state and capital's emerging tendencies toward minority culture –…