Realizing Human Rights: Access to HIV/AIDS-related Medication and the Role of Civil Society in South Africa
Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center
919 West Illinois Street
Zackie Achmat lives with HIV/AIDS. He is an activist with roots in the anti-Apartheid struggle and is at the forefront of campaigns for the rights to health care and medicine. Among his numerous awards, he has received The Nelson Mandela Award for Health and Human Rights and was voted one of 35 heroes of 2003 by Time Magazine.
"For children, women and men with HIV/AIDS, the rights to dignity, life, equality and their inter-connections with the right to health care access, particularly access to medicines including anti-retrovirals stands between us and death. This is particularly true in poor countries and poor communities in wealthy countries. These rights 'dignity, life, equality' are essential tools in our struggle to remove the barriers to HIV treatment and health care for all." - Zackie Achmat
Hosted by: Center for African Studies
In conjunction with: Center for Global Studies, Department of Anthropology, Department of Geography, Department of History, Department of Psychology, Department of Sociology, Department of Gender and Women's Studies, Global Crossroads Living/Learning Community, Institute of Communications Research, International Programs and Studies, Medical Humanities and Social Science Program, Medical Scholars Program, Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Concerns, School of Social Work, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program