CAS Forum on Critical Issues: Stem Cells
Auditorium, Smith Memorial Hall
805 South Mathews Avenue
Earlier this month, President Bush announced his decision to limit federal funding of embryonic stem cell research to existing stem cell lines. Since then, there has been tremendous media attention on this area of scientific inquiry, and the resulting moral, ethical and societal considerations.
We invite you to participate in an informal public forum on this timely topic. After brief presentations by UIU faculty from a range of perspectives concerning stem cell research, you are encouraged to direct questions to these specialists.
Faculty participants include Profs. Chip Burkhardt (History), Ira Carmen (Political Science), Ellen Deason (Law),Harris Lewin (Animal Sciences), Larry Schook (Animal Sciences, Brad Schwartz (Medical College) and Joe Thulin (Veterinary Clinical Medicine). They will be joined by Dr. Kevin Powell (Carle) and Msgr. Stuart Swetland. CAS Director Bill Greenough will moderate.