
2018 Animals & Society Institute/UI Second Annual Human-Animal Studies Summer Institute

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018
Event Description

CAS is pleased to offer in collaboration with the Animals & Society Institute this weeklong institute for 20 visiting early career faculty members and graduate students from around the US and abroad. Morning workshops will be followed by afternoon plenary presentations by visiting scholars.

All events are at Levis Faculty Center, 919 W. Illinois St, Urbana

Sunday, July 8, 2018
Barbara King (Professor Emerita, Anthropology, William & Mary)
Dealing with the ‘A’ Word:  A Public Anthropologist’s Reflections on Anthropomorphism in Communicating the Science of Animal Grief

Monday, July 9, 2018
Lindgren Johnson (English, University of Virginia)
Fleeing White Supremacy: Fugitive Humanism in Nineteenth-Century African America

Kenneth Shapiro (ASI)
Emotional Issues Related to Working in Animal Studies

Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Yuka Suzuki (Anthropology, Bard College)
The Politics of Charisma in Endangered Species: Cecil the Lion as Case Study

May Berenbaum (Entomology, UI)
Pets, Not Pests: Arthropods as Companion Animals
Visit with some outreach anthropods

Film: Kedi

Thursday, July 12, 2018
Holly Hughes (School of Art and Design, U of Michigan)
Heavy Petting: A dogged pursuit

Artists' Showcase featuring works by Maria Lux (Institute Alumna and Artist-in-Residence) and Institute participants July Hazard and Jonathan Osborne

Friday, July 13, 2018
Chris Green (Animal Law & Policy, Harvard U)
Alternative Animal Advocacy: Channeling Public Sentiment Into Substantive Welfare Advances

Margo DeMello (ASI), James Englehardt (UIP), Brandon Keim (Science Writer)
Publishing in Animal Studies

Saturday, July 14, 2018
Mary Trachsel (Rhetoric, University of Iowa)
This Little Piggy Never Went to Market: Pig Stories, Hog Stories and an Economy of Care


Margo DeMello, ASI
Jane Desmond, U of Illinois
Kim Marra, U of Iowa
Ken Shapiro, ASI

More about ASI