MillerComm Lecture Series

An Evening of Poetry and Spirituality with Kaveh Akbar

Friday, April 30th, 2021
Kaveh Akbar
7:00pm CDT

Zoom presentation: registration required

Event Description

REGISTER HERE: https://illinois.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uSJvujypRIGpINOWbquYUA

Poet Kaveh Akbar’s work is exciting, beautiful, often disorienting and urgent. Reflected in his poems are the many facets of his identity—he is Iranian-American, largely Midwestern, queer, Muslim, and in recovery. He is thereby situated in the new wave of poets drawing not only on technical mastery, but also the immediacy of their lived experiences to connect with new audiences for linguistically-charged art.

Hosted by: History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library

In conjunction with: Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Creative Writing Program, Department of Asian American Studies, Department of Comparative and World Literatures, Department of English, Department of Gender and Women's Studies, Department of Linguistics, Department of Religion, Humanities Research Institute, Illini Union, Literature and Languages Library, Program in Less Commonly Taught Languages, Spurlock Museum, Student Cultural Programming Fee, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University Library, University YMCA, Urbana Arts and Culture Program, Urbana Free Library

Kaveh Akbar

Assistant Professor of English
Purdue University

Akbar’s poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, The New Republic, Best American Poetry, The New York Times, and elsewhere. His first book, Calling a Wolf a Wolf, was published by Alice James Books in the U.S. and Penguin in the U.K. in 2017. He is also the author of a chapbook, Portrait of the Alcoholic (Sibling Rivalry, 2017).

The recipient of a Pushcart Prize, the Levis Reading Prize, and a Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship, Akbar is the founding editor of Divedapper, a home for interviews with major voices in contemporary poetry.

Born in Tehran, Iran, he teaches at Purdue University and in the low-residency MFA programs at Randolph College and Warren Wilson.