Associated Initiative

Climate | Change: Kickoff Event

Tuesday, August 29th, 2023
Multiple speakers

Room 210
Levis Faculty Center
919 W. Illinois St

Event Description

Watch the video HERE

Climate | Change Initiative

Researchers across the U of I are addressing the climate crisis in their work every day, advancing science, interpretation, and applied knowledge in many domains and disciplines. This new CAS initiative creates a space for reflecting and understanding the ways researchers at our institution are addressing climate change, and simultaneously considers changes and improvements to the climate of the research university for doing this more effectively.

Over the coming years, the initiative will convene conversations among researchers across campus, as well as invited guests, to build a space for what many of us often say we long for and need–a meeting of disciplines and better awareness of each other’s work on this topic. We know that many cross-disciplinary networks already exist on campus and in some places are well-developed. We also know that we have lots of new researchers at U of I who have arrived during the pandemic and there may be cause to build, re-build, extend, and renew our connections.

Our kickoff event will feature 10 short talks by researchers from different units, and from across the University. It will be an opportunity to sample the different ways U of I researchers approach the issue. It will allow an opportunity for networking and to imagine new connections and collaborations on this important theme.

Featured speakers (click on name for more information):

John Levi Barnard | Comparative & World Literature
Eric Benson | Art & Design
May Berenbaum | Entomology and Center for Advanced Study
Jim Best | Geology
Jessica Conroy | Earth Science & Environmental Change
Francina Dominguez | Atmospheric Sciences
Jeremy Guest | Civil & Environmental Engineering and Institute for Sustainability, Energy, & Environment (iSEE)
McKenzie Johnson | Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences (NRES)
Andrew Leakey | Plant Biology and Center for Advanced Bioenergy & Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI)
Chloe Wardropper | NRES

This event will be livestreamed at https://ensemble.illinois.edu/Watch/CASMillerComm