Resident Associate 2018-19

Jason Finkelman

Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Improvisers Exchange

Fall 2018 and Spring 2019

Improvisers Exchange is a two-year initiative deeply investigating the field of music improvisation. This multifaceted program features performance and engagement residencies by leading artists representative of a wide spectrum of the practice, initiates a new performance course on improvisation for students, and promotes scholarly discourse through lectures and panel discussions.  This ambitious project will introduce our campus and community to leading artists practicing non-idiomatic approaches to the music, others rooted in jazz and avant-jazz heritages, and master improvisers representing folkloric traditions of the world.

Jason Finkelman (KCPA) and Mike Silvers (Musicology) have been appointed CAS Resident Associates for AY2018-19, which includes a graduate seminar (CAS 587) in Spring 2019.

Jason Finkelman featured in the South African Society for Research in Music and 2nd International Bow Music Conference 2018. Program

Associated Initiative