Miller Endowment Visitor 2021-22

John Harbison

George A. Miller Visiting Artist

At the height of his compositional career, John Harbison has recently published a series of essays on Bach, whose music he has worked with as a conductor in Boston for many years. During his residency here he will be able to contribute to our community both as composer and scholar. As well as giving a public lecture about the literary influences on his symphonic work, he will work closely with our student performers, composers, and musicologists. The UI Symphony Orchestra is one of our largest ensembles on campus; working with Mr. Harbison and Professor Gunn will be a fantastic opportunity for our students. Additionally, we have been able to schedule other concerts featuring his work: on October 20, the Illinois Modern Ensemble and faculty guests will perform a concert of Harbison’s chamber music. This will be a “composer portrait” festival with two big concerts, masterclasses, lessons, and the public lecture.

Harbison MillerComm event