Associate 2002-03

Venugopal Varadachari Veeravalli

Electrical & Computer Engineering


Professor Veeravalli conducts research in mobile and wireless communications, detection and estimation theory, and information theory. The broad goals of his research program are to (a) develop techniques for optimizing the quality and capacity of wireless telecommunication systems and (b) develop a theoretical framework for design, analysis, and use of distributed sensor systems. He and his students have made several theoretical and practical contributions in wireless communications, particularly in the context of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems.

During his Center appointment, Professor Veeravalli will be researching distributed sensor systems. Advances in sensor and information technologies are rapidly enabling low-power, inexpensive, distributed sensor systems for a host of new applications in such areas as medicine, manufacturing, intelligent highway systems, smart environments, and security systems. The goal of this project is to work toward developing theoretical foundations that will allow improved uses of distributed sensor systems. A particular focus of the project is the analysis of decentralized dynamic decision-making problems that arise naturally in many applications of distributed sensor systems.