William M. Calder
Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: His Life and Work, Volume I (1848-1876)
Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (1848-1931) is the greatest and most influential modern scholar of ancient Greek. Through his almost 80 books and some 90 doctoral students, he formed the modern study of ancient Greek literature from Homer through Libanius. Interest in his work and career is worldwide. Since 1970, Professor Calder has been collecting and editing his letters and autobiographical documents as well as unpublished documents by contemporaries concerning him. He has interviewed many now deceased who knew him. In 1981, he organized an international conference on the life and work of Wilamowitz.
Professor Calder will gather this material and use it to write the three volume biography that sets Wilamowitz into the political, cultural, and scholarly context of his time. The manuscript will deal with his schooling, university education and early teaching, his time in Rome and Greece and his publications through 1876. It concludes with his first appointment to his first professorship at Greifswald in January 1876.