MillerComm Lecture Series

After Identity Politics: Race, Disability and the New Genomics

Monday, October 13th, 2003
Lennard J. Davis
4:00 pm

Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center
919 West Illinois Street

Event Description

If we are not successful in crafting a new progressive way of seeing identity, science, left to its own devices, will invent a new identity for us through the authority of the new research being done in the name of human genomics.

Hosted by: Department of Educational Psychology

In conjunction with: Center for Writing Studies, Department of English, Department of Special Education, Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services, Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory

Lennard J. Davis

Professor of English, Disability and Human Development, and Medicial Education and Director, Center for Biocultures, University of Illinois at Chicago