Critical Studies as BIG DATA
Rm B02, Auditorium, Coordinated Science Laboratory
1308 W. Main
Microsoft Research
Drawing from my research in queer studies, especially ethnographic approaches to youth and media, I argue that critical studies provides a compelling framework as a particular kind of “big data.” Big data researchers who aspire to build technologies for human communication must be as invested in pushing open new terrain for questions as they are in finding answers about what technologies mean to people in their everyday lives.
Additional cosponsorship support from: Coordinated Science Laboratory, George A. Miller Endowment, HASTAC @ Illinois, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center, Mix IT Up! Grant from Institute of Museum and Library Services/GSLIS, Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations, Uniting Pride Center of Champaign County, Women's Resources Center
Department of Communication and Culture (Indiana University)