MillerComm Lecture Series

American Pictures: A Dane's Personal Journey through the American Underclass

Thursday, February 18th, 1988
Jacob Holdt

Foellinger Auditorium
South End of the Quadrangle

Event Description

Jacob Holdt is a Dane who hitchhiked 100,000 miles across the United States between 1971 and 1975, taking 15,000 photographs. He lived in more than 400 homes--from those of the poorest southern sharecroppers to those of America's wealthiest families. When he returned to Denmark in 1975, he selected 3,000 slides for an exhibit which soon turned into a best-selling book, film, and a multi-media presentation, all titled American Pictures.


In conjunction with: Affirmative Action Offices; Afro-American Cultural Program; Athletic Association; Central Black Student Union; Chancellor's Council to Combat Discrimination; College of Education; Community United Church of Christ; Counseling Center; CU Black Ministerial Alliance; Department of Educational Policy Studies; Department of Political Science; Episcopal Church Foundation; Illinois Disciples Foundation; Independent Student Organization; Interfraternity Council; Interracial; La Casa Cultural Latina; McKinley Foundation; Minority Affairs Committee, Student Government Association; NAACP UI Campus Chapter; Office of the Chancellor; Office of the President; Panhellenic Council; St. Andrew's Lutheran Campus Center; St. Mary Catholic Church; School of Human Resources and Family Studies; School of Social Work; Student Leadership Panel of the YWCA; Unit One; Unitarian Universalist Church; United Church Foundation; United Progressives; University YMCA; University YWCA; Urban League of Champaign County; Wesley United Methodist Foundation; George A. Miller Committee