
Animal Lives Book Series


Animal Lives



Animal Lives book series

Series Editor: Jane C. Desmond

Associate Editor: Kim Marra

Associate Editor for Science: Barbara J. King

The University of Chicago Press's Animal Lives series brings the latest groundbreaking work in human-animal studies to the fore, with an emphasis on living animals, past or present.

Jane C. Desmond, Displaying Death and Animating Life: Human-Animal Relations in Art, Science, and Everyday Life (2016)

John P. Gluck, Voracious Science and Vulnerable Animals: A Primate Scientist's Ethical ]ourney (2016)

Hilda Kean, The Great Cat and Dog Massacre: The Real Story of World War Two's Unknown Tragedy (2017)

Radhika Govindrajan, Animal Intimacies: Interspecies Relatedness in India's Central Himalayas (2018)

Ivan Kreilkamp, Minor Creatures: Persons, Animals, and the Victorian Novel (2018)

Kristen Guest and Monica Mattfeld (eds.) Equestrian Cultures: Horses, Human Society, and the Discourse of Modernity (2019)

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