MillerComm Lecture Series

Closing the Gender Gap: Post War Educational and Social Changes

Thursday, March 23rd, 2000
Madeleine Arnot
7:30 pm

Rm 407, Levis Faculty Center
919 W. Illinois St

Event Description

Striking new findings regarding educational achievement in England suggest one of the most extensive reversals in patterns of social inequality in contemporary times. Girls have not only caught up with boys in test scores, but in a number of subject areas have decisively pulled ahead. How do we account for such a dramatic reversal in academic fortunes? And what implications do these findings have for public policy here in the United States?

Madeline Arnot contends that Victorian principles of gender differentiation embedded in traditional schooling have been unintentionally transformed by social democratic and conservative government reforms including those initiated by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. As a result there has been a sea change in girls' attitudes to work and family life, which is not necessarily matched by a similar change in boys' attitudes.

Sponsored by: Bureau of Educational Research, Department of Educational Policy StudiesInstitute of Communications Research

In conjunction with: College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology, European Union Center, International Programs and Studies, Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, Women?s Studies Program,  Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory

Madeleine Arnot

Sociology of Education, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom and George A. Miller Endowment Visiting Professor, UIUC