MillerComm Lecture Series

Romancing the Stone: The Architecture of Cartagena, Columbia, A World Heritage City

Wednesday, January 28th, 1998
Jaime Hernandez-Perez

Plym Auditorium, Temple Hoyne Buell Hall

611 Taft Drive


Event Description

Janie Hernandez-Perez has rightfully gained prominence in his country as a preservation architect, restoring many of Cartagena's colonial and early republication period buildings.  Instrumental in having Cartagena recognized as a World Heritage city through UNESCO (one of only two such cities designated in the western hemisphere), he has also served as mayor of the city, as lieutenant governor for the State of Bolivar, and as head of a regional telecommunications company.
Mr. Hernandez returns to UIUC, where he received a master's degree in architecture in 1982 to share his vision of this historic and beautiful Caribbean port city.

Jaime Hernandez-Perez

Restoration Architect, Cartagena, Columbia; Alan K. and Leonarda Laing Visiting Professor in the School of ARchitecture, George A. Miller Endowment Visiting Professor, UIUC