Cultures of Law in Global Contexts
Fall 2013-Spring 2014
This initiative is an ongoing project pursuing interdisciplinary scholarship in the humanities and law. We take as our focus the frictions obtaining among multiplicities of justice, including issues of social order and state power, terrorism and ultranationalism, sustainability and economic development, and medical law and ethics. We explore the vexed history of applying international law principles developed in the West; the imposition of ideas of personhood through biomedical ethics and law; inter-state collaboration and conflict in defining terrorism; cultural approaches to financial regulation and monetary policies; and problems in law and economics arising from globalization.
CAS 587
Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum 600 South Gregory Street Urbana
Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum 600 South Gregory Street Urbana
Room 1092, Lincoln Hall 702 South Wright Street Urbana
Presentation Room, Center for Advanced Study 912 West Illinois Street Urbana
Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum 600 South Gregory Urbana
Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum 600 South Gregory Urbana
Illini Union, Room A
1401 W. Green Street, Urbana