The Ch'ixi Gaze: Sociology of the Image as a Decolonizing Practice
Gregory Hall, Rm 319 810 S. Wright Street Urbana
Founding Director of the Andean Oral History Workshop, she is a leading scholar of postcolonialtiy and indigeneity in the Andes. She published the classic, Oppressed but Not Defeated: Peasant Struggles Among the Aymara and Quechua in Bolivia, 1910-1980, and numerous essays on subaltern critiques of neoliberalism. A Professor of Sociology a the Universidad Mayor de San Andres in La Paz, she has lectured widely throughout the hemisphere.
Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui proposes a novel approach to decolonizing Practices. "Sociology of the Image" refers to a new teaching and research methodology developed at the University of La Paz, focused on bilingual Aymara students' daily experiences at the university and at home, and the historical memories of their families. The goal is to guide them to pertinent sociological and political research and action, to overcome the ventriloquist quality of the social sciences, and to develop a more autonomous relation with the Euro-North American conceptual world. The lecture incorporates film and still images designed to challenge inherited knowledge and produce an alternative view of colonial iconography and popular religiosity.
Additional support for this visit from: Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Department of Anthropology, Department of Geography, Department of History, Department of Media and Cinema Studies, Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Decolonization, Indigenous Struggles and Visuality in the Andes
Additional public events with Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui include:
Anita Say Chan, Associate Professor, ICR and Media and Cinema Studies
Karla Palma, graduate student in ICR and Media and Cinema Studies and Fulbright ScholarSilvia Rivera Cusicanqui moved from scholarship and activism on and with indigenous peoples to a vibrant cinematography that seeks to reflect daily lives, conflicts, emotions, creativity, and historical memories of the Aymara people of highland Bolivia. After screening two short documentaries and a brief narrative film, there will be time to discuss her work.Films in Spanish and Aymara, with Spanish subtitles: discussion in English.Co-hosted by the Department of Media and Cinema Studies
Bolivian sociologist, historian, activist, filmmaker and public intellectual of Aymara descent.