Finding Where We Are: Critical Spatial Thinking and the Future of Geographic Information
Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum 600 South Gregory Street Urbana
Geospatial information technologies now play a significant role in everyday life, as well as in science and administration. As they become easier to use, these technologies raise new issues of user interface design and present new challenges for education. The presentation will focus on the role of spatial concepts in framing the use of geospatial technologies; in guiding the design of user interfaces; and in pointing to improvements that will enable the next generation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Hosted by: Department of Geography, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
In conjunction with:Â Cyberinfrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory, Department of Anthropology, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Department of Landscape Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, eDream Institute, Illinois Informatics Institute, Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, Institute for Computing in Humanities, arts, and Social Science, Prairie Research Institute, Program in Science and Technology Studies, School of Earth, Society and Environment, Spurlock Museum
Department of Geography and Director, Center for Spatial Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara