Libraries and Literary Culture: An Inside View of Cuba’s Information Revolution
Smith Memorial Hall
805 South Mathews
Hear from a leading protagonist in Cuba’s ongoing transformations: from a primarily oral culture, through a 1961 leap in literacy, to a literary culture where ordinary Cubans read—and write—books, essays, stories, poetry, and more. Cubans built literary institutions to their own specifications, libraries in particular. A digital culture got underway. All while a US blockade separated Cuba from most trade and cultural contacts, and while Cuba took aim at its own racism. What might happen next? Why?
Hosted by: Graduate College of Library and Information Science
In conjunction with: Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Department of African American Studies, Department of Anthropology, Department of Gender and Women's Studies, Department of History, Department of Latina/Latino Studies, Spurlock Museum, University Library
George A. Miller Visiting Professor, Illinois and Director Emerita, José Martí National Library of Cuba