Queer and Trans Resistance, Abolition, and Mutual Aid
Knight Auditorium
Spurlock Museum
600 S. Gregory
"Mutual aid" is a term used for projects where people take responsibility for caring for one another and changing political conditions, not just through symbolic acts or putting pressure on their representatives in government, but by actually building new social relations that are more survivable. Famous examples of mutual aid projects include the Black Panther Party's Free Breakfast Program, the Young Lords Party's hijacking of New York City's tuberculosis testing mobile unit to bring TB testing to high-risk, medically neglected neighborhoods, and feminist organizing to provide underground abortions in the 1970's.
In this presentation, Dean Spade will examine how mutual aid might counter the demobilizing frameworks for understanding social change and expressing dissent that dominate the popular imagination, and examine the benefits as well as challenges faced by contemporary organizations mobilizing through mutual aid.
Cosponsors: Department of Asian American Studies, Department of Gender & Women’s Studies, Education Justice Project, Student Cultural Programming Fee