MillerComm Lecture Series

The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Ecological Legacy

Wednesday, September 23rd, 1992
Kirkpatrick Sale

Foellinger Auditorium
South End of the Quadrangle

Event Description

In the dark twilight of fifteenth-century Europe, the overriding question . . . was how to survive the misery and suffering and violence that seemed to be rushing the world to its end. The answer . . . was the conquest of Paradise.

Cosponsored by: College of Agriculture; College of Education; Graduate College; School of Social Work; Department of Agronomy; Department of English; Department of Forestry; Department of Geography; Department of History; Department of Journalism; Department of Political Science; Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese; Afro-American Studies and Research Program; Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology; Campus Honors Program; Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies; Continuing Education in International Affairs; Division of English as an International Language; Institute for Environmental Studies; Program in Comparative Literature; Program for the Study of Cultural Values and Ethics; Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory; WILL-AM-FM-TV; The Center for Advanced Study; George A. Miller Endowment; George A. Miller Committee

Kirkpatrick Sale

Author, The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Ecological Legacy