MillerComm Lecture Series

Oral History in Dagbon: The Role of the Lunsi in Traditional African Society

Wednesday, March 23rd, 1994
Abukakari Lunna

Auditorium, Room 2100, Music Building
1114 West Nevada Street

Event Description

The Lunsi of Dagbon comprise a guild of specialists whose obligation is to preserve historical and genealogical information reckoned according to the succession of chiefs and royal families. The Lunsi recount their history by signing and drumming proverbs which allude to the Dagbamba royalty and their exploits. In this way, they inform the citizens of their ties to these royal ancestors.

Cosponsored by School of Music; Department of Anthropology; Department of Linguistics; Afro-American Studies and Research Program; Center for African Studies; Multicultural Program, Residential Life; Unit One; African and African Women's Association; African Student Association; Central Black Student Union; Ebony Umoja; Student Organization Resource Fund (SORF); The Center for Advanced Study; George A. Miller Endowment; and George A. Miller Committee.

Abukakari Lunna

Traditional Cultural Drummer, Dagbon, Northern Region of Ghana, West Africa