MillerComm Lecture Series

Rulership and Ritual: State Rites in Late Imperial China

Tuesday, March 16th, 1993
Evelyn S. Rawski

Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center
919 West Illinois, Urbana

Event Description

The Sixth Annual Howard J. Wechsler Memorial Lecture

Cosponsored by: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate College, College of Education, College of Fine and Applied Arts, Department of Anthropology, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Department of English, Department of History, Department of Political Science, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, Humanities Council/LAS, Institute of Communications Research, International Programs and Studies, Program for the Study of Cultural Values and Ethics, Program for the Study of Religion, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, Howard J. Wechsler Memorial Fund, The Center for Advanced Study, George A. Miller Endowment, George A. Miller Committee

Evelyn S. Rawski

Department of History, University of Pittsburgh