MillerComm Lecture Series

The Amazing Randi: Science and the Paranormal

Thursday, November 5th, 1987
James Randi

Foellinger Auditorium
South End of the Quadrangle

Event Description

For decades, James Randi, MacArthur Fellow and magician, has entertained audiences with spectacular feats of magic. In recent years, he has used his skills to expose the fakery of psychic powers and debunk pseudoscientific phenomena.


In conjunction with: Campus Honors Program, College of Education, College of Medicine, Department of Anthropology, Department of Astronomy, Department of Physics, Department of Psychology, Department of Statistics, Illini Union Board, Museum of Natural History, Religious Studies Program, Sigma Xi, Students for Rational Inquiry, George A. Miller Committee

James Randi

MacArthur Fellow and Magician