
CAS Associates for AY2025-26

We are in the process of replacing the application website. If you plan to apply for a CAS Associate appointment for AY2025-26, please email cas@cas.illinois.edu with the subject line: CAS Associate application

Application due: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Letters of Support due: Tuesday, October 15, 2024

CAS Associates are tenured University of Illinois faculty members with the rank of associate professor or higher. With the Professors and Fellows, they form the intellectual core of the Center for Advanced Study community. Associates are invited to participate in CAS events and are given opportunities to present their work to the CAS community.

These appointments provide one semester of release time to pursue an individual scholarly or creative project. Appointments must be taken during the academic year for which they are awarded. Candidates who wish to defer appointments must reapply in a subsequent competition.

Successful candidates are asked to prepare an early description of their projects for publicity purposes as well as a short report on their achievements at the end of their appointments.

The home department receives a grant of $15K from CAS. In the case of a dual percentage appointment, these funds will be distributed proportionately in accordance with the department that holds the course offerings.

CAS Release-Time appointments are intended to provide a release from classroom teaching, not from service, graduate mentoring, and continued engagement in the shared governance of the home unit and of campus more broadly. However, it is hoped that departments will exercise some flexibility about service obligations for fellowship recipients — beyond dissertation, thesis, and other necessary forms of graduate advising — thus maximizing the scholar's ability to make excellent progress on his/her research project during the semester of teaching release.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria include your record of accomplishment in areas related to your proposal, significance of the proposed project, and the quality of your plans to carry it out. Referee evaluations are especially important.

Applicants are compared within and across disciplinary and professional areas. To avoid situations in which tenured faculty members are unduly separated from contributing to the normal activities of the campus, consideration is given to how recently and frequently you have been on leave, including appointments previously held at the Center and other fellowship appointments.

You are not eligible if you held an appointment as a CAS Associate during or since the 2018-19 academic year or as a CAS Fellow during or since the 2020-21 academic year. Applicants with comparable qualifications who have not yet held an appointment will receive preference in the selection process. Please note that it is unusual for the selection committee to consider proposals from associate professors in their first or second year at the University of Illinois.

At the request of the Vice Chancellor for Research, CAS Associate applications must now be accompanied by a Released-Time Approval Form signed by the relevant EO(s).