Please contact us about giving to the Center.
A $5.5M gift will fund our Research Appointments program. One of the oldest and most important funding opportunities at the Center, the Associates and Fellows program offers outstanding faculty members on a highly competitive basis one-semester of release time from teaching. This opportunity to concentrate on research is a valuable retention and recruitment tool, as there are very few internal sources of funding for release-time support. This program is currently funded solely by state money, and is therefore vulnerable in bad budget years.
A $750K gift will endow named fellowships for 5 graduate students. This important and valuable program was terminated in its fifth year due to lack of funding. Restarting this program is a high-priority item. Students are invited to apply for a Fellowship to participate in the Annual Initiative. In the past, the competitive nature of the program has ensured a very high level of interest and competitive selection of outstanding graduate students.
For more examples on how your gift can support Center programs, please email us.