CAS/MillerComm Public Events Series
DEADLINE | Complete application including letters of support for events Fall 2025 and after are due:
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 5:00pm
Please note that successful applicants must wait a full year before reapplying.
The George A. Miller Programs Committee accepts applications for partial funding of visiting speakers or performers and including them in this prestigious program of lectures and cultural events. The CAS/MillerComm public events series brings to campus people who offer unique cross-disciplinary contributions to the intellectual and cultural life of the university. The visits of these guests should also be designed to encourage their interactions with the university community, particularly students. All CAS/MillerComm events are free and open to the public.
Selection Criteria
Your proposal will be evaluated for quality, uniqueness, and breadth of appeal. Criteria include the visitor's expertise, relevance of the event to a wide range of departments or units, and ability of the visitor to present his or her work to an interdisciplinary audience. The Committee requires that relevant campus units cooperate, through cosponsorship, across disciplinary lines in developing and financing events and evaluates proposals accordingly.
In light of the ongoing budget crisis, the committee will give primary consideration to the substantive merits of the proposals themselves, and not the amount of funding requested. Although the committee still requires the primary sponsoring unit to seek funding from relevant units across campus, the committee is also aware that many of these units are unable to commit more than a nominal amount from their shrinking resources.