Ralph and Ruth Fisher Forum for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Co-organizers: Donna A. Buchanan (Professor, Music, Anthropology, Slavic Languages & Literatures); Maureen E. Marshall (Associate Director, REEEC; President, ARISC)
Co-organized by ethnomusicologist Donna…
Events Archive
Co-Sponsored Events
Shimon Attie
Friday, November 3, 2023, 9am-5pm
Levis Faculty Center Room 210, and anywhere via Zoom
Link to full calendar
Zoom for 9AM-3PM
3pm Shimon Attie “Night Watch and Other Projects,” Zoom talk.
Lunch will be provided for conference participants at noon.
This symposium is hosted by the Initiative in…
Ralph E. Gomory
The Arnold O. Beckman Lectures on Science and Innovation
In conjunction with: Graduate College, Center for Advanced Study, Research Board, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Seitu Jones
Dawn Blackman
Listen in online to one-on-one sharing of stories at kitchen tables in Champaign-Urbana and St. Paul. Artist Seitu Jones will visit virtually with Champaign-Urbana food and environmental justice activists (Dawn Blackman and Jennifer Monson) to discuss local issues related to access and…
Seitu Jones
Ruby Mendenhall
Magdalena Novoa Echaurren
Bobby Smith II
Rachel Lauren Storm
Jennifer Monson
Dawn Blackman
Artist Seitu Jones' life work has been grounded in the civil rights movement and the Black Arts movement, so the impacts of structural and systemic racism frame his approach. The pandemic, as we know, has revealed injustices that have been there all along, as well as the generous spirits that…
Seitu Jones
Jennifer Monson
Listen in online to one-on-one sharing of stories at kitchen tables in Champaign-Urbana and St. Paul. Artist Seitu Jones will visit virtually with Champaign-Urbana food and environmental justice activists (Dawn Blackman and Jennifer Monson) to discuss local issues related to access and…
Simon Kelly
This lecture discusses the forthcoming exhibition (winter
2024) at the Saint Louis Museum of Art of the same title. The exhibition is the first ever to examine the influence of the sea across modernist artist Henri Matisse's career, which included painting in coastal locations on the…
Ivan Krastev
The war in Ukraine is having a dramatic impact on the political imagination of Europe. It has reframed the East-West divide by replacing the Cold War narrative of the past decades with one of decolonization and the threat for the sovereignty of the European nation states born out of the…
Allison Morehead
This lecture explores how Munch's work often places abortion, infanticide, and sexually transmitted disease in a complex dialogue with first-wave feminism's calls for reproductive rights. Morehead situates Munch's abortion-themed work (Madonna/ Inheritance/ Foster Mothers in Court), first in the…
Deke Weaver
Performances September 28-October 2
Inspired by the literary concept of the unreliable narrator and the medieval bestiary, The Unreliable Bestiary is an ark of stories about animals, humans, and planet Earth. With a team of award-winning collaborators, Deke Weaver’s life-long project is presenting…