Rethinking the Closet: Lesbian and Gay Life before Stonewall
Room 100, Gregory Hall
810 South Wright Street, Urbana
George Chauncey challenges the myth that gay people were inevitably isolated, invisible, and self-hating before the Stonewall rebellion and the emergence of the lesbian and gay liberation movement in the 1960s and 70s. In this lecture, he will detail the rich collective life developed by gay people in the early twentieth century and show how they resisted anti-gay repression on an everyday basis.
Cosponsored by: Office of the Chancellor; Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and the Graduate College; Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; The Council of Deans; The Center for Advanced Study; George A. Miller Endowment; George A. Miller Committee; Peggy Harris Memorial Fund; Office of Affirmative Action; School of Art and Design; Department of Anthropology; Department of English; Department for Germanic Languages and Literatures; Department of History; Department of Journalism; Department of Philosophy; Department of Political Science; Department of Psychology; Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese; Afro-American Studies and Research Program; Campus Honors Program; Humanities Council/LAS; Medical Humanities Program; Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns; Office of Minority Student Affairs; program for the Study of Cultural Values and Ethics; WILL-AM Radio; Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory; Women's Studies Program; McKinley Presbyterian Foundation
Department of History, University of Chicago