Partition: Histories, Stories, Memories
Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum
600 South Gregory
Present-day challenges to the post-colonial nation-state and its boundaries are often rooted in imperial partitions. Whether in Kashmir, Syria or Palestine, the legacies of partition form the everyday experiences of conflict and violence for millions of people. Renowned Delhi-based author, journalist and publisher Urvashi Butalia will explore how themes of gender and sexuality, bodies, and memory cut across the various sites of imperial partitions in the twentieth century, discussing how specific and embodied experiences of partition can be examined in global, comparative, and connective frames.
Hosted by:
Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
In conjunction with: Department of Gender & Women's Studies, Department of History, Department of Religion, Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide and Memory Studies, Program in Comparative & World Literature, Spurlock Museum, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
CEO, Zubaan Books and author, <em>The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India</em>