MillerComm Lecture Series

The Impact of Big-Time College Sports on Undergraduate Education

Wednesday, March 28th, 2001
Murray Sperber
4:00 pm

Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center
919 W. Illinois St.

Event Description

Many large public universities no longer give a majority of their undergraduates a meaningful education. Instead, they allow a party scene that surrounds college sports to play an increasingly important role on their campuses, a role that distracts undergraduates from the institutions' academic missions.

Sponsored by: Unit One/ Allen Hall

In conjunction with: College of Education, Department of Educational Organization and Leadership, Department of Educational Policy Studies, Department of Kinesiology, Department of Leisure Studies, Department of Sociology, Office of Residential Life, Program Coordinating Council of Student Affairs

Murray Sperber

Professor of English and American Studies, Indiana University and author, Beer and Circus: How Big-time College Sports is Crippling Undergraduate Education