The phenomenon of transnational connectedness, involving all social domains – from the cultural through the economic, political, legal, military, and environmental – is a topic of intense scrutiny for many people, even entire units, of our campus and throughout our community.
This on-going initiative has several components. First, we hope to serve as a clearing-house for the many on-going campus projects on globalization. We are currently investigating the most efficient ways to enable researchers across campus to communicate with one another, as well as to publicize lectures, symposia and the like to the campus and community at large. Second, we hope to showcase the on-going work at UIUC on globalization by hosting a series of informal discussions and presentations. Finally, we plan a small, but world-class, series of public lectures by invited speakers.
Sponsored by:
African American Studies and Research Program, Beckman Institute, Center for Advanced Study, Center for International Business Education Research, College of Education, College of Law, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Medicine, Department of Economics, Department of French, Department of Geography, Department of Political Science, Department of Psychology, Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Department of Sociology, Gender and Women’s Studies Program, Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, International Programs and Studies, Latina/o Studies Program, Madden Initiative in Technology, Nursing Institute, Office of the Chancellor, Office of the Provost, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security, Program in South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, and Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program.
Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center 919 West Illinois Street Urbana
Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center 919 West Illinois Street Urbana
Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center 919 West Illinois Street Urbana
Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center 919 W. Illinois St. Urbana
Third Floor, Levis Faculty Center 919 W. Illinois St. Urbana