MillerComm Lecture Series

Material Culture and the Armenian Diaspora

Monday, April 25th, 2022
Sato Moughalian

Knight Auditorium
Spurlock Museum
600 South Gregory, Urbana

Event Description

Sato Moughalian’s highly-lauded book A Feast of Ashes (2019) gathers family archives together with historical and art historical research to tell the story of Moughalian’s grandfather, David Ohannessian. Moughalian set out in this project to follow the “breadcrumbs” she could find through family stories about the ceramic art her grandfather founded in Jerusalem in 1919. In this talk, she will describe the moving contrasts and echoes she experienced between the legacies inherited from the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors and the “high-voltage fence” that had blocked off her own family’s legacy of surviving the Armenian genocide.

Hosted by: Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies

In conjunction with: Art History Program, College of Fine + Applied Arts, Department of Comparative & World Literature, Department of English, Humanities Research Institute, Musicology Division, Program in Jewish Culture & Society, Russian, East European & Eurasian Center, School of Art + Design, School of Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics, Spurlock Museum

Sato Moughalian

Flutist, writer, founder and artistic director, Perspectives Ensemble